Guides & Tutorials

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For Applicant and Reviewer Support, please visit our Support Help Desk.
For Applicant and Reviewer Support, please visit our Support Help Desk.
Frequently Asked Questions
Account Relations Pro Tips
- Understanding the Acceptd Life Cycle
- Streamlining your Submissions Display
- Audition Scheduling Made Easy
- Aligning with the Acceptd Brand
- Fee Waivers and Coupon Codes - What's the Difference?
- Consultative Tips Archive
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
- Where do I find the MFA verification code?
- Using an Authenticator App as your Multi-Factor Authentication Method
- How do I change my authentication (MFA) method preference?
- I used the camera app on my iPhone to scan the MFA QR code and now I am having trouble logging into my account
- What are my authentication (MFA) options?
- What is the MFA recovery code?
See all 3 articlesAuditionRoom
AuditionRoom Setup
- How to set up AuditionRoom
- Setting Up an AuditionRoom Test
- Getting started with AuditionRoom
- Conducting an AuditionRoom Test
- Creating Lobbies
- Creating Rooms
AuditionRoom for Moderators
- Getting started as a Moderator
- Lobby Basics (for Moderators)
- Managing the Lobby Meeting
- The Auditionee Experience & Troubleshooting (Moderators)
- Managing the Audition Schedule
- Sending a Lobby Announcement
AuditionRoom for Ambassadors
- Getting started as an Ambassador
- Lobby Basics (for Ambassadors)
- Serving as a Co-Host in the Lobby Meeting
- The Auditionee Experience & Troubleshooting (Ambassadors)
- Sending a Lobby Announcement
AuditionRoom for Lead Adjudicators
See all 3 articlesAuditionRoom for Adjudicators
- Joining AuditionRoom as an Adjudicator
- Making the Most of AuditionRoom
- Making the Most of Zoom
- Entering Split Screen Mode
Account Owners & Program Managers
Managing My Account (Account Owners & Program Managers)
- Partner Basics Guide
- How do I switch between multiple organization accounts? (Account Owners & Program Managers)
- How can I change my default organization? (Account Owners & Program Managers)
- How often are email notifications sent?
- How do I change my email notifications? (Account Owners & Program Managers)
- How do I change my password? (Account Owners & Program Managers)
Managing My Organization
- What is the URL for my Landing Page? (Account Owners)
- How do I add users?
- How do I update my landing page?
- How do I update my Resources tab?
- What are the different administrative permission levels on Acceptd?
- How do I update my organization settings?
Managing My Program(s)
- NEW PARTNERS: A Guide to Sending Our Team Your Program Questions
- How do I hide a question and its answer from my Reviewers?
- How do I create a new Program? (Account Owners & Program Managers)
- How do I change an open date/deadline?
- What is the difference between the deadlines?
- Where does the visible deadline appear to my applicants?
Managing Submitted Applications
- How do I add or remove columns from my table view?
- How do I sort, search, and filter my data?
- How do I edit an application on behalf of an applicant?
- How do I save my table view? (Account Owners & Program Managers)
- How do I create a default table view? (Account Owners & Program Managers)
- What are tags and how do I use them?
Supporting My Applicants
- What's the difference between a fee waiver and a coupon code?
- How do I allow applicants to submit additional media or make changes to their submitted application?
- How do I allow an applicant to submit after the deadline?
- How do I replace an applicant's media file?
- How can I change an applicant's program after they have submitted? (Account Owners & Program Managers)
- Can applicants see the status of their application?
- How do I message submitted applicants?
- How do I message "in-progress" applicants?
- How do I create a message template?
- How do I edit a message template?
- How do I share a message template?
- What are template fields?
- Managing Adjudication Details
- What does Review Type mean?
- How does Assignment Type work?
- What are the Recommendation Buttons?
- How to create and assign Rating Scales
- What are the different types of rating scales?
- How do I create a new schedule?
- How does the Scheduling feature work?
- How do I create a new session?
- How do I set up automatic scheduling notifications?
- What are the different scheduling notification conditions?
- How do I export my schedule?
Integrating with Acceptd
- Guide to Integrating Stripe Connect
- What are my integration options?
- How do I create an FTP/SFTP connection for exported data?
- How do I create an SFTP connection for exported data to Slate?
- Setting up a Slate Import
- Setting up a Slate Export
Navigation Basics (Account Owners & Program Managers)
- Account Owner & Program Manager Homepage
- Organization Menu (Account Owners)
- Programs Menu (Account Owners and Program Managers)
- Submissions Menu (Account Owners and Program Managers)
- Schedule Menu (Account Owners and Program Managers)
- Where do I start as a new Account Owner?
Managing My Account (Reviewers)
- How do I see my ratings across multiple Stages? (Reviewers)
- How do I log into my account? (Reviewers)
- What if I lose or forget my password? (Reviewers)
- How do I change my password? (Reviewers)
- How do I change my name and/or email address? (Reviewers)
- How do I change my default organization? (Reviewers)
Viewing the Applications
See all 2 articlesRatings and Comments
- Who can see my feedback?
- Video Tutorial: Reviewer Basics
- How do I edit my ratings?
- How do I input ratings or scores?
- How do I keep track of my adjudication progress? (Reviewers)
- How do I input comments?
Sorting/Filtering Data
- How do I add My Rating to the Submissions Table?
- How do I create a default table view? (Reviewers)
- How do I adjust my columns and save my table view? (Reviewers)
Navigation Refresh (Reviewers)
- Trouble Logging In (Reviewers)
- Reviewer Homepage
- Submissions Menu (Reviewers)
- Schedule Menu (Reviewers)
Marketing Campaign Info
- Campaign Setup Timing & Deadlines
- What should my Acceptd landing page say?
- What is included in the interest forms?
- Uploading Assets to Basecamp (size requirements, etc.)
- GENERAL: How do I export interest forms?
- Marketing Tactics Glossary
The Recruitment Network
- ACCESS: General User Account
- GENERAL: Recruitment Network Training Video
- GENERAL: What is the Recruitment Network?
- GENERAL: Can multiple users send messages in the Recruitment Network?
- GENERAL: Can I see which artists applied after receiving a Recruitment Network message or a Spotlight Email?
- GENERAL: What is the CAN-SPAM Act?
Can't find what you're looking for?
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