GENERAL: Can I see which artists applied after receiving a Recruitment Network message or a Spotlight Email?

You will receive this information in your End of Campaign report, but if you would like to keep tabs on your conversion rates yourself, you can create a view for this information.

Recruitment Network

Click on Submissions under the Submissions tab drop-down. Click the icon for Columns, seen in the screenshot below:


In the pop-up screen, scroll down or type Recruit in the Available Columns search bar. Click the + sign to add in the column Recruit Last Contacted:


Click the + sign to add in the column Recruit Last Contacted. Close the pop-up and the column will appear. 

Click the Search icon to see Min and Max dates. From here, add the minimum sent date to see a list of anyone who applied after receiving a Recruitment Network message.


Spotlight Email

Click the icon for Columns, seen in the screenshot below:


In the pop-up screen, scroll down or type Recruit in the Available Columns search bar:


Click the + sign to add in the column Recruit Spotlight Email Click-Throughs. Close the pop-up and the column will appear. 

Click the Search icon to see Min and Max dates. From here, add the minimum sent date to see a list of anyone who applied after clicking through a Spotlight Email. 



Are you an administrator for an arts organization? Would you like to learn more about Acceptd's resources? Check out more at: Applications | AuditionRoom | Marketing



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