Setting up a Slate Export




For organizations who use Slate, the Slate Export delivers data about select Acceptd events directly to Slate. Data provided by Acceptd can be mapped to specific fields in Slate's records. 


To build a Slate Export (Acceptd to Slate), an Acceptd Account Owner for your organization should follow the steps below: 

1. From the Organization tab in Acceptd, select Integrations from the menu.

2. Click on the Create Integration button and select Export to Slate.

3. Name the export.

4. Fill in the Slate Web Services URL field. (You may need to reach out to your Slate team for your organization's Slate Web Services URL.)

5. Enable the integration by clicking the checkbox.

6. Select the events you would like to have exported to Slate. Your options are listed below and sample payloads can be viewed here:

  • Application Submission: A timestamp of an application being submitted to Acceptd.
  • Application Stage Change: A timestamp of an application being moved into a new Acceptd stage.
  • Application Payment: A timestamp of when a payment is made.
  • Timeslot Selected: A timestamp of when an applicant selects an audition time or when a timeslot is assigned to the applicant by an Acceptd Account Owner.
  • Left Timeslot: A timestamp of when an organization user removes an applicant from a timeslot and back on the invited list.
  • Applicant Invited to Schedule: A timestamp of when an applicant is invited to a schedule.
  • Applicant Removed from Schedule: A timestamp of when an Acceptd Account Owner uninvites an applicant from a schedule or when an applicant removes themselves from a schedule completely.
  • Audition Ended: A timestamp of when the applicant's scheduled audition timeslot or time block has ended. 

7. Click Save.

8. Reach out to your Slate team to map the selected Acceptd events to specific fields in Slate records to complete the integration.


Note: Multiple exports can be built if additional events are needed at a later date. It is not required to include all events in the same export. 



Are you an administrator for an arts organization? Would you like to learn more about Acceptd's resources? Check out more at: Applications | AuditionRoom | Marketing



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