Making the Most of AuditionRoom


As auditionees come and go, you’ll be able to track everything on the schedule in AuditionRoom. To adjudicate within Acceptd, click on the links beneath the applicant in the schedule. This will open up in another tab and allow you to use the rating scales and comment boxes during the live audition.


User Chat
While the Zoom chat is enabled to allow for file sharing with auditionees, we recommend using the private adjudicator to keep messages internal.  To open this chat, click the icon in the bottom right corner of the schedule screen. This will open a Private Adjudicator Chat window where you can communicate easily with each other.



Viewing Schedule Changes
Throughout the day, your Lead Adjudicator may make changes to the schedule if auditionees need to change times due to technical issues. These changes will appear on your screen in realtime. You can click the View History link at the top of the schedule to review what has changed.



Are you an administrator for an arts organization? Would you like to learn more about Acceptd's resources? Check out more at: Applications | AuditionRoom | Marketing



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