How do I replace an applicant's media file?

AO.pngHeader.pngTip_Icon.pngYou always have the option to upload additional media to the Media tab in the application review section. However, you also have the option to fully replace a piece of media!


1. Navigate to the Application tab on the left side of the application view.

2. From here, click the Edit Application button in the upper right corner of the page.

3. You are now able to edit any or all of the application fields, including uploading media.

4. Find the piece of media you want to replace and click the gear icon on the thumbnail. You will see the option to Change. This will take you through the steps to upload a new piece of media. 

5. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page to save your edits.


Note: If an applicant sent you a message through Acceptd with media (documents, audio files, video files, images) attached to the message, those files will automatically show in the applicant's Media tab of the application. You do not need to reattach them to the application if you do not wish to do so. 


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