In addition to customizing Rating Scales, you can customize the overall adjudication settings for your program by managing your Adjudication Details.
1. To edit your Adjudication Details, navigate to Programs on the horizontal top menu and select Programs from the dropdown menu.
2. Click on the program that you would like to edit. To select multiple programs, check the boxes next to their names, navigate to Group Actions, and select Edit Programs from the menu.
3. Select Adjudication and Ratings from the tabs along the top of the program editor that opens.
4. Click View/Edit Adjudication Details at the very top of the program editor.
Ratings Description: Add a description for your ratings scales here.
Comments Description: Add a description for your comments tab here.
Enable Commenting: You can enable or disable the comments tab. This tab allows for reviewers to have a shared threaded conversation.
Show Recommendation Buttons: You can enable / disable or customize what the recommendation buttons say.
Review Type: To learn more about Review Type, visit our guide What does Review Type mean?
Assignment Type: To learn more about Assignment Type, visit our guide How does Assignment Type work?