These are the steps you will want to take to make sure your account is ready to utilize AuditionRoom for your live virtual auditions this cycle!
6-8 Weeks before using AuditionRoom:
- Review Getting Started with AuditionRoom tutorial
- Add all AuditionRoom users to the organization (if they are not added already)
- Assign users to sessions they will be attending
Identify who is fulfilling the following AuditionRoom User Types:
- Ambassador
- Moderator
- Lead Adjudicator
- Adjudicator
- Based on the users from the previous step, find a time the majority of your users can meet for your AuditionRoom Test Run and schedule this for all users 1-2 weeks before your first AuditionRoom date
- Email all users their AuditionRoom tutorial page for them to review before the test run
- Build the lobby
- Set up the AuditionRoom Test (1-2 weeks before your first AuditionRoom date)
1-2 weeks before using AuditionRoom Action Items (once your schedule is finalized):
Please note: The majority of these action items will only need to be done once. However, you will need to create the lobby and rooms for each audition date 1-2 weeks before those auditions occur, once your schedule is finalized.
If you need any assistance with this process, please email the Account Relations Team at
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