Welcome to your homepage!
This is the first screen you will see upon logging in, and is very similar for both Account Owners and Program Managers. You will see at the top left side of the screen the Acceptd Logo, as well as horizontal menu buttons. If you click on the Acceptd Logo, it will always take you back to this Homepage.
At the top right is your profile picture which you can click on to edit your account details such as name and email, password, or notification settings. The small question mark will link to our Guides and Tutorials, and the messaging logo will show you any unread messages. Lastly, there is a box that displays which organization you are logged into. If you are a User for multiple organizations, this drop-down box will let you toggle between accounts.
As you look at the center of the screen, you will see your name, organization, and your user type, as well as some data regarding your organization. This data includes Applications Submitted Today, any Sessions that may occur today, and your next deadline.
The Submissions Section of your homepage displays the number of in-progress applications you have, how many applications have been submitted, and the total number of these two categories. The charts below display how many applications have been submitted in the Last 7 Days, and how many applications have been submitted in the Last 30 Days.
The Programs section of your homepage displays the number of programs Not Yet Open (open date in the future), programs that are Open (currently accepting applications), and programs that are Closed (no longer accepting applications).
Below the counters is a select list of program details including name, open date, visible deadline, and submitted apps. This smaller table is to give you a quick glance at a few of your programs. For more in-depth program information, quickly navigate to your Programs table via the View All Programs link at the bottom of the list.
Finally, if you're using Scheduling or Audition Room, the Homepage gives you a preview of the upcoming events on your schedule. You'll be able to see a 14-day view of sessions & lobbies, as well as the location, start time, and end time.
Are you an administrator for an arts organization? Would you like to learn more about Acceptd's resources? Check out more at: Applications | AuditionRoom | Marketing