First, go to your Programs Table by navigating to the Programs tab and selecting Programs from the dropdown menu.
Creating a New Program by Duplicating an Existing Program
1. Within the Programs Table, find an existing program that most closely resembles the dates, guidelines, and/or application questions you need for the new program and mark its checkbox to the left.
(Please note: duplicating an open existing program will also make the new program open upon duplication.)
2. Click on the Group Actions button.
3. Select Duplicate.
4. Immediately click on the new program and adjust the open date. (This will be copied from the existing program and will go live if the existing program is live. If your open date or deadlines are several months in the future, you may need to change the dates in two-month intervals to bypass the error message.)
5. You can now update the new program's Program Details.
Creating a Brand New Program
1. Within the Programs Table, click on the Add icon. You can then assign your Program Basics, Eligibility Requirements (optional), Application Questions, Recommendation Questions (optional), and Adjudication & Ratings (optional) as needed.
Note: it is important to click Save & Next after entering Program Basics to ensure your edits are saved.
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