Managing the Lobby Meeting


The Lobby Meeting can be used to host a Lobby-wide presentation, discussion, or simply create a virtual “green room” for auditionees to meet and chat. The Meeting Host’s primary responsibility is to start the Lobby Meeting at the allotted time by clicking the Join Video As Host button. This will launch Zoom and allow Ambassadors and auditionees to begin joining the meeting.

Once in Zoom, you have several options depending on the intention of the meeting for your organization:

  • If you are the sole Moderator for your Lobby, we recommend assigning one or more co-hosts from your Ambassadors list to monitor the meeting so you are free to pop in and out of the Rooms. Learn how to assign co-hosts.
  • You can also assign Ambassador co-hosts to manage breakout rooms to create groups for students to meet and chat. Learn more about breakout rooms.
  • If you remain the Meeting Host for the purposes of a presentation, you can choose to leave the meeting open afterwards or close it out and send all auditionees back to the Lobby to await their time slot.


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