How do I message applicants in my schedule?





Whether you need to communicate changes or remind applicants to book a slot, you can easily contact applicants from your schedule!


You can communicate with applicants at two levels; the session level and the schedule level! If you contact applicants at the session level, you will be sending a message to everyone who has chosen a time slot for that session. If you message applicants at the schedule level, you'll be contacting everyone who has been invited to book a session in that schedule.


To message applicants in a session, double-click on an event in your calendar to open the Session Details. Click the green Message Users button at the right hand side of your screen, and you can proceed with messaging all applicants in this session.



To message applicants invited to a schedule, select one of the schedules from the left hand side of your calendar. This will open the Schedule Details screen! Here, you can click the message button above your sessions to send a message to all applicants invited to each session in this schedule.





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