What is Program Cost Analysis? (Account Owners)



The Program Cost Analysis feature allows you to view the fees assigned to a Program by stage and by date.


To view the Program Cost Analysis chart, navigate to your Programs Table (Programs > Programs) and click on the Cost Analysis button above the table.


In the new window, select the name of a program from the top drop-down menu. 



All options will appear greyed out until a stage is selected from the bottom drop-down menu. The highlighted boxes are the fees assigned to the selected stage. 


If you have late fees that go into effect after a certain date, select a date from the calendar by clicking on the "View costs on specific date" box below the drop-down menus. All active fees for the selected date and stage will also be highlighted in the Cost Analysis chart.


To interpret the chart:

  • A Program Fee is charged to the applicant. These labels will vary depending on your account and can include any additional payments your organization has chosen to include, such as tuition, housing, late fees, etc. 
  • The Acceptd Portion is the submission fee as listed in your contract with Acceptd. Boxes labeled Acceptd Portion can be coupled with a Program Fee.
  • The Amount is the fee charged to the applicant.
  • A negative Payable represents the fee expected to be remitted to Acceptd in the selected stage.
  • A positive Payable represents the fee expected to be remitted to your organization in the selected stage. 
    • In cases such as the example above where a positive Payable and negative Payable are assigned to the same stage, the sum of the Payable highlighted fees represents the final fee expected to be remitted to your organization.

If you have questions about your fees or need to update your fees, please reach out to your Account Relations Specialist.


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