The Submitted Ratings table - FAQs (Account Owners & Program Managers)


The Submitted Ratings table allows you to view the adjudication details each reviewer has made for each submission and is a great way to track reviewer progress and organize your adjudication results. 



You can find the Submitted Ratings table by navigating to the Submissions tab and clicking Submitted Ratings from the dropdown menu.

How can I track my reviewers' progress and find out who still needs to complete their adjudication?
By adding your account specific rating scales to your table and then sorting them by Ascending order,
you will be able to see all of the incomplete adjudication at the top of your table. To sort by Ascending order, click on the gear icon that appears at the right of the column header and select Ascending.

All users given access to a specific program (whether or not they actually served as an adjudicator) show up in the table. Is there a way to keep non-adjudicators from showing up?
This is another example where filtering your table will provide clarity! Click the Search button at the top of your table, navigate to the Reviewer column, and select the checkbox next to the name of all active reviewers. This will filter out all of those reviewers who are not reviewing during the current application cycle.

Our reviewers ended up taking their audition notes in the "Notes" box on the ratings tab, not on the comments tab. How do I view their comments in my table?
By default, the Submitted Ratings table includes the Recommendation Buttons and Comments tab. If you use custom rating scales, you will need to add those in manually to your table by following our guide:
How do I add or remove columns?

Can I export a report of my reviewer's ratings and comments?
Yes! You can export from the Submitted Ratings table the same way that you can from any table on Acceptd.
You can find step-by-step instructions from our guide: How do I export my table data?





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