MESSAGING: What should my messages say?


  • Focus on using the message as a conversation starter. Write in your own voice and keep it conversational.
    • Remember that these artists are also receiving a Spotlight Email, so the goal of Recruitment Network messages is to make a more personal connection.
  • Mention the profile content that caught your attention.
  • Don’t cut and paste content from your public page.
  • Ask about their education and/or career goals.
  • Ask a question [will give applicants more incentive to respond].
  • Include your location in the message.
  • Include your phone information and/or website hyperlink in the message so they know who to call and/or where to visit for more information.
  • Be brief and to the point [if you share too much, they may not feel the need to reply].
    • Use bullet points instead of long paragraphs to highlight your program’s opportunities
  • Express interest in helping the recipient reach their goals, rather than your needs.
  • Focus on exploring their availability and interest.



  • Students from your alma mater high school.
  • Residents from your hometown.
  • Users in a location you’re visiting for recruitment soon.
  • Artists that have media uploaded.
  • Artists who have logged in recently.



Hi, [Name]!


[Introduce yourself!] [The second sentence explains something great about your program.] Here are a few reasons to consider us:

  • Program highlight
  • Something that sets your program apart
  • Scholarship info
  • List important alumni




Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. [Link to application]





  • Many of our partners create different templates for different audiences (E.G. one template for vocalists, one template for music tech, etc.)
  • However, we always recommend a more general template that can be used for ANYONE that can be sent to your retargeting views.
  • You might also considering making a separate "deadline approaching" template for closer to your deadline.
  • If you are linking to your website, be sure to add a UTM code so you can see the traffic coming from your messages.
  • Keep your messages short and sweet. Long-form content should be on your Landing Page!
  • We recommend building templates under a general user account so you don't lose any templates in case of any turnover.

(See this in the video walk-through)


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